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Welcome to agileobloodlines

Ancora Imparo

I am a lowly candle that provides light for others that they may find their life's purpose and meaning, that they may discover the life-giving warmth that only agapeic love can give; I must be consumed that others may become. This is my meaning, this is my purpose, this is my life.

These quotes are epiphanies from daily meditations and shared with all.

Quid est homo, qui non facit quod melius est mundum?

Notebook and Pen
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let your soul breathe
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better you

We all aspire for better. This is the natural condition of living as all creation is bound by the law of constant change. Yes, all...

gratitude and awe

Fear of God is not being afraid of Him but willful surrender to the truth of His almightiness and infinite goodness and love. By this, we...

step out

Faith is unleashed when we learn to be uninfluenced by our thoughts and emotions and surrender to the divine flow of the Spirit. Doing so...

true beauty

Beauty may delight when beheld, but true beauty is magical. Perfection and purity dwell within us and awakened by true beauty without....

beyond belief

We have grown accustomed to a life bound and formed by belief, beliefs that are bound and formed by thought. In order for us to live as...

be consumed

Prior to the Israelites' flight to freedom, God appeared to Moses in a burning bush and declared Himself as I AM. A life of abundance...

longing and inspiration

Morning sunshine soothes, refreshes, and brings to life everything after the somber darkness of the night. So too does love soothe and...


Salvation is to be taken beyond a world of illusion and into a life of truth. Salvation comes when we receive and live by the light of...

unfolding miracle

Miracles happen, not through the suspension of natural laws but through the operation of a higher force. Miracles are constant, as...

abundance unleashed

Our ego's purpose is to ensure we are protected and secured, but while it does so, it prevents us from living a life of abundance. Ego...

channel of grace

When water is still, all that makes it murky sinks, and its magnificent clarity is revealed. So too with us at moments when we stay...

true joy

God and all that is of Him are eternal. His oneness with us is His love, therefore in this lifetime, the only thing that can outlast time...

self love and grace

The call to love your neighbor as yourself means to love others THROUGH love for our self, to love our self in them. Once we awaken to...

call to holiness

Religion, religare, to bind or be whole again is a call to return to our true state of wholeness, oneness with our source. This oneness...

stand for truth

When we were born into this world, we were born into a family, a race, a creed. As we grew our sense of belonging deepened and we were...

grateful for adversities

It is of our human nature to squint by glaring light. Not because we reject it, but so we could see better. Similar it is when the...

deepening faith

To most, faith is what they believe, what doctrine they are anchored in, and propagate. To those who have awakened, they discover that...

growing in gratitude

Love is absolutely devoid of judgment. This truth makes it unconditional when it is true. This absence of judgment and it's...

truth and love

God is love, and all that is of and from Him is love. Since we are all children of God, so then are we of and from love. There is no...

call of heaven

Nothing comes close to the experience of sublime peace and happiness. Those who find a connection to the divine presence within attest to...

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