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Welcome to agileobloodlines

Ancora Imparo

I am a lowly candle that provides light for others that they may find their life's purpose and meaning, that they may discover the life-giving warmth that only agapeic love can give; I must be consumed that others may become. This is my meaning, this is my purpose, this is my life.

These quotes are epiphanies from daily meditations and shared with all.

Quid est homo, qui non facit quod melius est mundum?

Notebook and Pen
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let your soul breathe
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my daily bread

This encapsulates my daily early morning experience. As I settle in my Zen garden I begin by, first, focusing on my breathing. Breathing...

our only truth

Thomas Merton helps us understand the paradoxical appeal of Jesus for us to die to ourselves or “lose ourselves to find ourselves” (Mark...

spiritual dryness

It is natural to expect experiences of being specially connected with the Beloved – spiritual sensationalism. While we meditate, we may...

love wills to be

God wills us to be transformed instead of informed. He wills us to be in astonishment and awe of His love and greatness – to be in the...

tool for righteousness

Love is beyond good and bad and our deepening in love takes us to a realm that is beyond the reach of judgment. We know anger is...

embrace of pain

“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” – Anthem by Leonard Cohen Spirituality teaches us that we do not handle...

love is disruptive

A new kind of Christianity will emerge when people would move into a more intense commitment to love God, neighbor, and self. This...

all that matters

Saint John of the Cross called faith “luminous darkness,” an absolute surrender wherein the ever-deepening of love eliminates all need to...

never judges

The sacrament of Reconciliation in the Church is meant for restorative justice. Having people “confess” what they have done is important,...

fire of change

All of us unconsciously avoid suffering, need to be in control, desire prestige, and hang on to possessions. All of these are of our...

in heaven now

With His resurrection, Jesus revealed the truth about our humanity – “that we are able to share in the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4), even...

living stones

We need each other in order to live the gospel, the Body of Christ is our spiritual family and our collective reality, and it is God’s...

ultimate fulfilment

Love is a deep affinity with everything; we identify our self, our essence, in others. Hence, we cease to cause harm to anyone and...

desiring gifts

The apostle Paul accentuated his call to love with two surprising encouragements: “earnestly desire the higher gifts” and “earnestly...

making friends

The religious version of network marketing is friendship and this is where Christian mission begins. Friendship that translates love for...

love experience

There is a magic in children that we grownups have lost: children often know things imaginally, aesthetically, and harmoniously before...

loving channel

The authenticity of our Christianity is founded on following Jesus where He went, what He preached, and what he modeled. Yes, it is our...

forever love

God’s presence is constant and the only way we could experience Him is by getting our mind and our thinking out of the way. This is the...

love is conversion

When we mature in our religion, we move away from anything that is vengeful, restrictive of those amiss, or anything that upholds...

hidden in pain

Mark wrote his gospel much earlier than the other evangelists did and shortly after both Peter and Paul were martyred. Mark wrote his...

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