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Welcome to agileobloodlines

Ancora Imparo

I am a lowly candle that provides light for others that they may find their life's purpose and meaning, that they may discover the life-giving warmth that only agapeic love can give; I must be consumed that others may become. This is my meaning, this is my purpose, this is my life.

These quotes are epiphanies from daily meditations and shared with all.

Quid est homo, qui non facit quod melius est mundum?

Notebook and Pen
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let your soul breathe
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love precedes good

Our Christianity has become preoccupied with doctrine, what we believe rather than practice - how we live. In Jesus, we do not just see a...

church is love

A Christian cannot be autonomous; it is as impossible as an arm or leg independent of a body. The community, the church, is the living...

spiritual calm

Most of us consider our emotions essentially identical to our personal authenticity, and the more freely we let them flow, the more...

meek and humble

Jesus asserted the spirituality of imperfection in the parable of the tax collector and the Pharisee (Luke 18:9–14.) Jesus invites us to...

love and benevolence

Prophets can foretell the future, not as fortune-tellers, but as people who have learned to read the signs of their times. By becoming...

bearing burden

Jesus did not theorize about social justice, instead, he set himself as an example of how to live in this world. He exhorted his...

love is heaven

There is no other form of the Christian life except a common one. This is even a matter of culture, which is shared and passed on. Until...

all creation

God brought things into being so that his goodness may be communicated to and be represented by them. He produced many and diverse...


Our deep awareness of God’s grace results in profound gratitude. Both “gratitude” and “grace” come from the same Latin root word,...

exalted and venerated

It is in silence that we find all we need to live a life of peace and service. In the silence of the heart God speaks. In silence we...

beyond the ego

When Jesus said that we must “lose ourselves to find ourselves” (Mark 8:35) he was referring to the necessary death of our “False Self.”...

free and unconditional

In the Hebrew Scriptures, God’s covenant transformed from a bilateral covenant (“You do that and I’ll do this”) as in the covenants with...

love's wisdom

Our dualistic mind is consumed by counting and measuring how moral you and I are. It weighs everything and moves toward quick resolution...

our only salvation

In the early Christian era, a few from the Eastern Church realized that Christ was clearly something older, larger, and different from...

selfless service

The apostles misunderstood Jesus’ being the messiah. They did not yet realize that the salvation Christ would bring required much...

love within

In spite of the unity of all creation, we mistakenly emphasized our beginning with original sin instead of original blessing – the...

qualify love

Hebrew prophets were free to love their tradition and to criticize it at the same time. Similarly, we need to understand that criticizing...

love's depth

Intimacy is a capacity for closeness and tenderness. It is often disclosed in moments of risky self-disclosure. Intimacy makes all love...

life of prayer

Jesus’ invitation to “Come follow me” is closely related to the practice of prayer. Prayer is a participation in God’s love, the activity...

love emerges

God’s very own life shared with us and residing within us is the Holy Spirit (John 20:22). When we truly pray, we are resolutely refusing...

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