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abounding in wisdom

Our over-idealization of and dependence on books and words have kept us from mystical experiences and a deeper knowing of reality. We, in fact, confuse and substitute words for reality itself.

Clergy means the separated ones, and this may have led them to assume that they are ahead of laypeople because of their book education. However, those taught by the adverse circumstances of reality seem to know more about what really matters.

Simpler and more authentic consciousness that knows reality intuitively and immediately, without so many mental filters. By observing the sky, birds, trees, seasons, darkness, and light, people knew they belonged to Something Bigger. The so-called primitive people often knew this by listening, observing, and living inside of nature. They did not have all the distractions that we have. The natural cycles of darkness and light, growth and death, the seasons, all of which were everywhere all the time, were their teachers.

Prior to the invention of the written word and the printing press, the way God made God’s self available was through all of the creatures, seasons, and cycles of life and death. The wondrous nature of the world itself is the universal religion that precedes all later religions. It could very well be that the current state of nature is God moving us out of our heads and into truly experiencing reality.

Romans 1:20 “For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.”

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