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awe-filled expectancy

The popular notion of faith today has become more of a rational agreement about the truth of certain beliefs rather than a calm and hope-filled trust that God is intrinsic in all things, and that everything is headed for good.

“Christian Believers” cannot accommodate doubt or anxiety. Doubt and faith are actually complementary. People of great faith often suffered bouts of great doubt because they continued to grow.

Our mistake was making “ideas” or doctrines the object of religious faith instead of a person. Our faith is not a faith that dogmas or moral opinions are true, but a faith that Ultimate Reality/God/Christ is accessible to us and is absolutely for us.

The fullness of the mystery of earthly life is to endure its other half, the equal mystery of death and doubt. Our childish need for certainty necessitates the elimination of anxiety. This is why many of us have a compelling need to control; we are still too fragile.

Creativity flourishes in questions, not in certainty. Growth originates from disruption not from safety. Yet the seduction is always security instead of adventure, instant knowing rather than deliberate waiting.

Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.”

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