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  • agileobloodlines


We cannot embark on a spiritual journey on a negative foundation. If we seek God out of fear, guilt, or shame (which is often the legacy of our sinfulness), we won’t get anywhere. If we start negative, we stay negative.

If there’s nothing exciting and wonderful to start with, we spend our whole lives trying to say to ourselves: “I’m okay, I’m wonderful, I’m great.” But we don’t really believe it. The word has to come from someone greater than us. That’s really a parent’s primary job—to communicate to their child that they are a beloved, eternally-existing child of God.

The only purpose of the gospel, and even religion, is to communicate that one and eternal truth. Once we have that straight, nothing can stop us and no one can take it away from us, because it is given, always, and everywhere by God—for those who will accept it freely.

Galatians 3:27 "For as many of you as having been baptized into Christ have put on Christ."

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