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beautiful paradox

"The greatest joy in love is to abandon oneself on the altar of the one loved; its sweetest feast is its own hunger and the wine of its own tears; its richest banquet is to gird its loins and to serve; for without some spice of martyrdom love’s tastes are tasteless, and without the arrow that wounds, its quivers are barren and vain." - Venerable Fulton Sheen

Love is a bittersweet paradox. It seeks permanence, but also fruitfulness. Love is mutual self-sacrifice and giving, but it is in this that lovers discover their true selves.

Blessed are those who have savored the glory of true love, for its discovery is an experience of God Himself.

Ephesians 3:19 "May you come to know His love - although it can never be fully known - and so be completely filled with the very nature of God."

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