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behold and become

There is real symbiosis and mutuality between the one who sees and what one can see. By acknowledging our own dignity as a child of God, we recognize others as our true brethren.

All being can then be spoken of with univocity, what I am you also are. God cannot be found outside of us until we first find God within ourselves.

We will begin to see fear, constriction, and resentment as inherent blindness that must be overcome. These emotions will not get us anywhere good. Our spiritual warfare becomes the work of recognizing and then handing over all our inner negativity and fear to God.

Only when we are eager to love can we see love and goodness in the world. By remaining in peace, we will see and find peace around us. By remaining in beauty, we will be honoring beauty everywhere.

This concept of remaining or abiding (John 15:4-5) moves religion out of the realms of doctrine where it has for too long been lost. There is no secret moral behavior required for “salvation,” beyond becoming a loving person in mind, heart, body, and soul. Then we will see all that we need to see!

John 14:17 “He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him, because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you know him, because he lives with you now and later will be in you.”

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