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  • agileobloodlines

birth pain

The union of souls cannot come out of outright romanticism, that initial surge of erotic captivation that most of us know as love.

It is not a product of infatuation, romanticism, or attraction, but rather of purification: when partners lay down their lives for each other—facing their shadows, relinquishing old patterns and agendas, allowing all self-justification to be seen, brought to the light, and released.

Love always seeks the ultimate reality, always brings an increase in being, and it does so by giving us the courage and power to live out who we truly are.

Love brings forth our majesty by bringing to the light the dark parts of our self that need healing and the light, glorious parts that need birthing.

Romans 12:2 "... let God (love) transform you into a new person... Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."

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