The subtlest fruit of Meditation is a deepening capacity to abide in the state of “attention of the heart.” Eventually, the attention of our heart allows us to be present to God, and at the same time present to the situation at hand, giving and taking from the spontaneity of our own authentic, surrendered presence.
This capacity gradually takes shape as a felt center of gravity within us. It is not so much a place we pay attention to as a place we pay attention from.
The purpose of Meditation is to deepen our relationship with God and with our deepest self. There we discover that God, the world, and we are not separate entities, but flow together seamlessly in an unbreakable flow of self-giving love, which is the true nature of reality and the ground of everything.
Meditation is not simply a devotional, wellness, or personal transformation practice. It is a necessary means of developing a structure of perception, a system of consciousness that allows us to empathize and relate to each other in love and peace.
Psalm 1:2-3 “Meditating day and night, they are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.”
