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  • agileobloodlines

challenge of faith

God's motive is love, and love is the driving force behind everything He does.

At the heart of pressing concerns, especially today, about the matter of God’s will and our circumstances, lies the issue of trust.

"Can I trust the Lord in my circumstances?” “Can I trust that God will bring good out of this?” “Does He even know what’s happening, and if so, does He care?”

Trusting God in life has nothing to do with our circumstances. It has everything to do with the character of the God our trust rests upon! For this reason, Rom. 8:26-32 is gold. These verses declare God’s heart and power toward His children and their circumstances.

God reveals His heart toward his people in verses 26-27; God purposefully works in our circumstances in verses 28-30; and God has proven that He is for us in verses 31-32.

We know these truths. We also know despair, frustration, hopelessness, yearning, fear, uncertainty, and doubt. We cannot imagine, yet we have confidence He will.

Not all stories have happy endings or at least we have not seen them yet. But we must remember that God is not finished. More than ever, trust must keep us grounded and God has proven worthy of that trust.

Romans 8:28 "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."

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