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created co-creators

Each of us is created with gifts that we can discover and use in co-creating a better world. When we are centered in our True Self we are most in touch with our creative source and most open to being a conduit of Love.

Contemplation opens our hearts, minds, and bodies to the creative flow of Spirit. Contemplation, being union with love, enables us to live and work in ways that are more compassionate and healing.

We are creatures of habit; our brains are wired to think the same thoughts repeatedly. Because most of these habitual thoughts are dualistic and negative, we have become obsessed with labeling things good or bad, right or wrong. Obviously, this limits our ability to be creative and think outside the box!

In contemplative practice, we refuse to hold biases. This is a creative tension because when held with loving intention, something utterly new and creative can emerge. Contemplative practice aligns us with the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16.) It is a different way of knowing. We can recognize it by its gratuity, open-endedness, compassion, and by the way it is so creative and energizing in those who allow it.

Truly great thinkers and creatives have access to a different and larger mind. They, however, need to realize that a divine flow is happening and that everyone can plug into it. In all cases, it is not autonomous but a participative kind of knowing. This is how we become co-creators with our loving Creator.

Romans 12:6 “In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.”

John 14:12 “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.”

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