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  • agileobloodlines

created to create

The process of creating art is valuable and generative. In childhood, we were free and courageous, we embraced our creative nature. While we may consider childhood to be in our distant past, the child is still within each of us today.

When we were children, everything was about color. Now we automatically pick black as our font color, because that is the accepted currency. When we were children, we travelled from place to place by dancing. Now we have forgotten how to move to the music of our soul. We can hardly even hear that inner music over the call of our obligations.

It is not only our birthright to create; it is our true nature.

Creativity has a habit of defying common sense. Artists and musicians have finely tuned minds that are always grappling with some creative conundrum, trying to find ways to translate the music they hear in their heads into some form that others can grasp and appreciate.

The creative life demands that we take risks. When we make ourselves available for spiritual inflow, we accept not only her generative power but also her ability to overcome whatever stands in its way. We need to ascend to a sacred adventure and allow ourselves to become a vessel for a work of art to come through and allow that work to guide our hands.

Most of us think we are too “old” to create something “new,” which is really too bad. If we were honest, we would probably feel a little silly trying again at our age. But we must be reminded that we would be the poorer for not taking the risk. What joy, satisfaction, and embodied presence are we missing out on because of our self-consciousness?

Romans 11:29 “For God’s gifts and his call can never be withdrawn.”

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