Meditation is a difficult process of awakening to our oneness with God. The difficulty lies in transcending all that our ego can attain. It is going beyond our customary, ego-based ways of experiencing ourselves and yielding to a more interior way of being.
As the caterpillar amazingly spins a hiding place from which it emerges and takes flight as a butterfly with delicate, iridescent wings, similarly, Christ lived as a human being who freely entered into the hiding place of death to emerge, deathless, filled with light and life, utterly transformed.
When we sit in meditation, we take the little child of our ego to learn to die to our illusions. We learn to wait with compassion and patience until we are ready to take our next step into a deeper realization of oneness with God.
Meditation is a way of understanding how to deal with the ongoing loss of our old familiar ways of understanding ourselves. A way to be present to the self-metamorphosing process in which, little by little, breath by breath, love dissolves the illusions and fears born of our estrangement from the infinite love that is our very life.
This is a way that our faith proclaims that in following Christ we experience what he experienced.
2 Corinthians 5:17 “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”
