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  • agileobloodlines


Many among us experience disconnection from society, their own families, and even from themselves.

This may be so because we have been overly reminded of our individual nature instead of our deepest inner connection with each other and reality through the soul. We have even come to doubt the soul's very existence and our symbiotic relationship with all creation.

To believe in God is to know there exists an ultimate tenderness in whom we can take refuge and peace in the serenity of love. To truly believe in God makes us more ourselves and empowers our humanity.

Our soul, the measure of God in us, is like a homing device. No matter how lost we get, it keeps pointing us back home to love, to connection, to meaningful relationships.

Romans 8:2 "And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death."

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