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end of all fear

The fear of death comes from not profoundly knowing the value, depth, and beauty of life while alive.

Most of us go to work for most of the day and for the most number of years while we live. That it is our responsibility, a duty to our family, and only after then we can retire, and finally die.

While working, we make every effort to succeed and secure our self and our family. This is our life in a nutshell. While alive, we keep accumulating knowledge to further our success and secure our self; but that is not education. Education is the cultivation of the whole human being, and the flourishing of the human mind and spirit.

We want to carry on beyond this life all that we know makes us fulfilled and happy while we live. The grip of our attachment becomes tighter as we near death. That is the struggle because we never learned to detach and discover what truly matters.

When we die, all attachment ends. That is what death is, an ending. However, death is necessary in order to enter into a new beginning. The key, then, is to learn how not to fear death and instead be concerned about not learning how to truly live. To learn not to be attached and discover all that truly matter. This is abundant living; so abundant that it is free of all fear, free even of the fear of death.

John 5:24 “I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life.”

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