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endless discovery

Society, our culture, demands that the student must be oriented towards work and material security. This constant pressure of career first and everything else second is a reversal of life’s natural process because man cannot be happy with possessions alone.

Educators who understand this importance, and have given it its proper place in their own life, can help students who are compelled by parents and society to make career of primary importance.

As most of education has become the acquisition of knowledge, it makes our minds function along narrow grooves. Whether it is scientific, philosophical, religious, business, or technological knowledge we are acquiring, our way of life makes our mind increasingly narrow, limited, and incomplete. Leading to a mechanical way living, a mental standardization. Mindful people are naturally aware of this, but unfortunately seem to accept and just live with it. This indifference has become a danger to freedom.

The mind flourishes when there is clear, objective, non-personal perception, when it is not burdened by any imposition upon it. Most modern education is about what to think, not the investigation of the whole movement of thought. Flowering implies freedom, and all creation requires freedom to grow.

When the mind, the heart, and the body are in complete harmony, then the flowering comes naturally, easily, and excellently. With this, teaching becomes the greatest profession because learning is the whole movement of life.

1 Corinthians 2:6-7 “When I am among mature believers, I do speak with words of wisdom, but not the kind of wisdom that belongs to this world or to the rulers of this world, who are soon forgotten. No, the wisdom we speak of is the mystery of God—his plan that was previously hidden, even though he made it for our ultimate glory before the world began.”

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