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Reviving the experience of epiphany leads us into the fascinating study of symbolism and allegorical meaning in scripture. Once we set aside the historical view of religion, we discover deeper possibilities of interpretation. This pursuit then becomes an exercise in inner growth and understanding.

The word epiphany is defined as “a sudden realization of truth.” The experience of having an epiphany usually dawns as an enlightening experience that awakens us to new possibilities. An inspiration dawns deep within the mind, a flash of insight that emerges from the darkness of the subconscious.

The story of the Magi teaches us to pursue a course of awakening so we can follow our own “inner light” which is the source of wisdom within us. In the context of the global challenges we face today, this is “the light [that] shines in the darkness” and which “enlightens every man". It is the light that inspires humanity to follow a higher calling and embrace greater peace and harmony.

John 1: 5, 9 "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world."

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