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every creation

Everything God created communicates and represents His goodness. Moreover, because His goodness could not be adequately represented by one creature alone He produced many diverse creatures. Each creature is a unique word of God, each creature has its own glow and its own unique glory.

To be contemplative is to be able to see each epiphany, enjoy it, protect it, and draw upon it for the common good. The world is created as a means of God’s self-revelation so that, like a mirror, it may lead us to love and praise our Creator.

Our body is a sacrament, a visible sign of invisible grace. Our body is the mirror where the secret world of the soul comes is expressed. The body is a sacred threshold, and it deserves to be respected and understood in its spiritual nature. When we label individuals as inherently disordered, we hurt these precious people and limit ourselves. Fear of difference creates a very constricted, exclusive, and small religion and life—the very opposite of the abundance into which God invites us.

We are created to see and understand ourselves and all creation as a means to know the Author of Life – expressions of who God is and lead us to the eternal Trinity of dynamic, self-diffusive love.

Revelation 5:13 “… every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea. They sang: ‘Blessing and honor and glory and power belong to the one sitting on the throne and to the Lamb forever and ever.’”

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