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every step

The whole universe and all events are doorways to the divine. Everything is potentially sacred if we allow it to be.

We could make the admiration of reality and adoration of God fully conscious and intentional. Everything could be a prayer and an act of adoration. As the French friar Eloi Leclerc beautifully put it “If we but knew how to adore, we could travel through the world with the tranquillity of the great rivers. But only if we know how to adore.”

When we learn how to see fully, everything—absolutely everything—is “spiritual.” Once we can accept that God is in all situations and that God can and will use even bad situations for good, then everything and everywhere becomes an occasion for good and an encounter with God.

God’s plan is so perfect that even sin, tragedy, pain, and even death are used to bring us to divine union, just as the cross was meant to reveal. God wisely makes problems themselves part of the solution. It is all a matter of learning how to see rightly, fully, and therefore truthfully.

Romans 8:28 “And we know that God causes everything to work together[a] for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”

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