We need to be observant if our emotional responses are holding us back from experiencing the flow of grace and mercy. We need to be observant when we are emotionally stingy, constricted, and in a withholding state—and when we are “in the flow” without reservation.
Cold people live from a place of scarcity, protecting and defending what little they think they have or are. On the other hand, people in the flow do not protect or guard their inner source, vitality, or emotions.
The natural flow of grace is impossible when we are stingy, petty, blaming, angry, playing the victim, or in any way offended. We need to immediately notice when we are in this constrictive state before it takes hold of us.
This has to be what our morning prayer is: to bring us back in alignment with the Divine Flow so the Infinite Source can once again flow into and through us. Great love, great suffering, and contemplative practice are the usual paths that help get our false self out of the way and be open for the gushing stream of grace that God always is and that the believer always becomes (John 7:38). This is the abundant life that Jesus speaks of with so many metaphors and stories (John 10:10).
Our prayer must continue until we freely open up to God’s never-ending outpouring of grace. If our heart and emotions are still resistant to the moment right in front of us, we should not leave our place of prayer until we get to “Yes,” until the flow begins to happen. Then we are abiding in a place of abundance.
2 Corinthians 9:8 “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.”
