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free from condemnation

Learning to earnestly navigate our emotions helps us become more deeply entrenched in the love of God.

We are made for love, our natural abiding place is love, and we in fact are love. Our absolute foundation and deepest truth is communion with God and others. From this foundation, we are able to act with positive, loving energy.

Unfortunately, when provoked by strong emotions, it is very difficult to draw from our truth. These are teachable moments, however. It is our ego-driven false self that is agitated, and we can waste extended periods feeding the hurt until it possesses us. It just happens and we are seemingly powerless to stop it.

But, by doing self-healing work, by practicing meditation, we learn to stop identifying with the pain and instead calmly relate to it with compassion. We can develop the power to say, “That’s not me. I do not need that today. I have no need to feed this resentment. I know who I am without it.”

This is the beginning of emotional sobriety. This is being converted to Christ, but without the conversion of our emotional reactions, we remain much like everyone else.

Romans 8:1-2 “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.”

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