Spiritual growth takes us beyond the illusion of separation and we discover our oneness with God, self, and others. We tried to fill our emptiness artificially through entertainment, time-fillers, diversions, and distractions, but still felt empty.
As we mature, we are able to allow the pain and the formerly excluded parts to gradually belong within the growth. If we have forgiven our self for being imperfect, we can now do it also for everybody else.
Many who remain judgmental and unforgiving miss the joy and clarity of life. We must go through the pain of disorder to grow and switch our loyalties from self to God. Most people, however, try to maintain their initial “order and control” at all costs, even if it is killing them.
As we grow in wisdom, we realize that everything belongs and everything can be received. We see that life and death are not opposites, and reality is still the greatest of teachers. At the bottom of all reality is always a deep abiding goodness, or what Thomas Merton called “the hidden wholeness.”
Colossians 2:9-10 “For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.”
