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fully human

God’s purest identity and our own True Self is Love. But how do we find what is supposedly already there? Yes, we could by praying and meditating, with more silence and solitude. However, the most important way is to live and fully accept our present reality.

The greatest teacher of God’s presence in our life is our own life. For some reason, it is easier to attend church services than to reverently practice the presence of God. It does not demand a lot, just vigilance, desire, and willingness to begin repeatedly.

Living and accepting our reality does not feel very spiritual so most resort to esoteric and dramatic postures instead of bearing the mystery of God’s suffering and God’s joy inside themselves, within their own center.

We do not find our own center; it finds us. We collapse back into the Truth only in the rarest of moments when we are spiritually naked and free. We do not think ourselves into new ways of living. We live ourselves into new ways of thinking. We will never know what it means to be human unless we know God. And, in turn, we will never know God except through our own broken and rejoicing humanity.

In Jesus, God tells us that God is not different from humanity. Thus Jesus’ most common and almost exclusive self-name is “The Son of Man”. Truly worshiping Jesus’ can only happen by doing his journey. This may feel very human and ordinary, but we are not human beings on a journey toward Spirit, we are spiritual beings on a journey toward becoming fully human. The only reason this seems harder is precisely because it is so ordinary.

Acts 17:27-28 “His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and feel their way toward him and find him—though he is not far from any one of us. For in him we live and move and exist.”

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