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  • agileobloodlines


Greek is the language of the New Testament and uses "time" in various places - 81 times Kairos is used; 54 times it is chronos. Yet, we will never read anything other than "time” in our Bible as that is the only English word available for translation.

Most of our lives are spent in what the Greek call chronos (the time that never stops moving), following routines, never resting; we however, as we are exhorted to be in constant prayer, need to enter what the Greek call kairos (the eternal now). Kairos is God's dimension - one not marked by the past, the present, or the future.

The reason we, today, are so spiritually emaciated is because we are a culture that is built entirely around not living in the moment.

Living in the moment is a transcendent act, as meditation and prayer are. Prayer and meditation are most fundamentally about resting in God.

Roman 13:11 "And this, knowing the time, that is the hour already for you out of sleep to awaken (kai touto eidotes ton KAIRON hoti hora ede hymas ex hypnu egerthenai); now for nearer is of us the salvation than first we believed (nyn gar engyteron hemon he soteria e ote episteusamen)."

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