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life and its fullness

Today, there seems to be a lack of depth of belief in the active, dynamic reality of the spiritual world. For most, the “real world” is the physical, material world. No wonder then, that when the words consciousness or the collective unconscious are mentioned, many Christians consider them New Age.

If religion is to be reborn to change society and change the world, we must understand that spiritual reality, consciousness, is the true reality and all the rest, including the material world, emerge from it.

Another impediment to faith development today is individualism. What Jesus referred to as the Kingdom of God and what Paul referred to as the Body of Christ is a corporate reality. In the Hebrew Scriptures, Yahweh made promises to Israel as a whole. By the sixteenth century, however, Christianity primarily focused on how individual people can go to heaven. The corporate, collective, social, and historical message was lost and remains hidden.

Jesus is the stand-in for everything and everybody. Jesus is the promise and the guarantee for what God is doing. As with Paul, we need not worry about whether we are going to heaven. We, instead, need to be focused on the final resurrection, where what God did in Jesus, He is going to do in all of history and all of creation. Salvation is both corporate and spiritual.

God will not give us everything so that we may enjoy life; He gave us LIFE so we could enjoy everything!

Romans 5:18 “Yes, Adam’s one sin brings condemnation for everyone, but Christ’s one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life for everyone.”

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