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  • agileobloodlines

life in the holy spirit

We were all created and born with the Holy Spirit. However, as it was with the first man and woman and with each of us as we grow out of innocence, is the development of and our being enslaved by our ego.

The "knowledge of good and evil" is a deception whose purpose is to keep us bound in judgment and to lies.

The ego thought system is based on sin, guilt, fear, and separation. The Holy Spirit's guidance is based on holiness, guiltlessness, love, and union.

Faith is not belief but surrender. When we decide to yield to God, His Holy Spirit awakens in us the awareness of the workings and schemings of our ego and the capacity to yield to God and live in grace.

Romans 8:14 "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God."

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