Wonder is our birthright and comes easily in childhood. If this capacity to wonder in childhood is sustained, we naturally wonder too about the people in our life—their thoughts and experiences, their pain and joy, their wants and needs. We see them as we see ourselves and find ways how to love them. Wonder is the wellspring of love.
The call to love beyond our own flesh and blood is ancient. It echoes down to us on the lips of indigenous leaders, spiritual teachers, and social reformers through the centuries.
What has been an ancient spiritual truth is now being verified by science. The air we breathe contains atoms that have passed through the lungs of ancestors long dead. Our bodies are composed of the same elements created deep inside the furnaces of long-dead stars. Science awakens our childlike awe and wonder as we look upon the face of anyone or anything around us with a moral, spiritual, cosmological, and biological verifiable truth: You are a part of me I am now beginning to see.
If we remember how it is to wonder, then we already have what we need to learn how to love.
Luke 5:26 “Everyone was gripped with great wonder and awe, and they praised God, exclaiming, ‘We have seen amazing things today!’”
