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love beholds

Whenever we observe, we usually judge according to our own preferences and “biases.” There is, however, an observation that goes beyond our likes and dislikes—and that is when we “behold.”

When we behold, we are available for awe and wonder, to be present to what is, without the filter of our preferences or judging whether something is important or not. A much broader, much deeper, and much wider field of perception opens up, becoming an alternative way of knowing and enjoying. When we allow ourselves to “be held” by another, we are completely enchanted by something beyond ourselves. This radically changes our situation and perspective.

Let us, more and more, learn to enter moments “beholding.” When we observe a bit of ordinary beauty and gaze at it until we see it as a moment of a manifestation of the eternal creativity of God. Let us allow our “beholding” to reveal inherent dignity and divinity. It becomes an epiphany and the walls of our world begin to expand.

2 Corinthians 3:18 “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory.”

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