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love is our endurance

We all have different ways of paying attention and perceiving what happens to us. It takes a lifetime of “mirror-wiping” to see things as they are, instead of as we are!

Instead of reacting to impulses, we could deliberately pause, observe, and study the details of our life. When we stay fully present with our feelings, our sensations, and everything around us, even when it seems dreary, joy will emerge because joy and suffering are two sides of the same entity.

As difficult as it may be, the only way to be free from pain is to feel and endure it. It may not make sense at first, but it definitely will. We need to learn to pay inquisitive attention to our thoughts, our emotions, and our sensations.

The paradox is that pain and suffering make life beautiful. It is difficult to assume this while we suffer, but the wisdom we would gain from the struggle would be priceless. Suffering confirms that we have a heart. It is evidence of our capacity to love, and only those who truly understand suffering will have a profound understanding of life.

The world needs our suffering, our courage, and our strength. Let us not try to avoid and do away with our pain. Let us share and communicate it with someone who understands and loves us. Truth is, love wants to listen to our pain, wants to connect with us, and understands us.

When we lighten our burden and discover the jewels and joy that are alive beneath the pain, we enter the realm of love whereby being present for others who suffer, we become channels of healing and grace.

1 Peter 4:13 “Instead, be very glad—for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world.”

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