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  • agileobloodlines


One of the most striking things about the life of Jesus is how mindful he was of his surroundings and the people in his life.

Mindfulness is a general approach to life in which we strive to be fully aware of our experience in the present moment – without judging it. It is paying attention to the little things that we tend to ignore. It is refusing to go through life on autopilot; it is being committed to seeing every little thing that life has to offer us.

There is no clearer example of Jesus’ focus on the moment than when he was dying on the cross, in excruciating pain, he was compassionate of the blindness of his crucifiers and the people who mocked him. He looked down at his mother, focused on her pain and his desire was to care for her. While he was being crucified he was mindful of others!

Mindfulness is living in grace; it is living in the moment, it is living in God.

Romans 8:6,14 "Letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace... For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God."

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