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never ages

As time passes and the changing seasons become fewer, we realize that there are some things in life that cannot be fixed. We would very likely go to our graves with still a lot of personal concerns and life agendas left unresolved.

It would be natural to feel that life has been wasted only if we mistake the meaning of the last period of life. The later stage of life is meant to free us to mature even more. It is the time to ask ourselves what kind of person we have been becoming. Did we become more honest, more decent, more caring, and more merciful? If not, what must we be doing about it now?

This aging process is the last time we are given to be more than all the small things we have allowed ourselves to be over the years. We must face what the smallness is, and rejoice in the time left to turn sweet instead of more sour. A blessing of these years is the opportunity to face what has been enslaving us, and to let our spirit fly free as it was truly and always meant to be.

Job 12:12… 32:7 “Wisdom belongs to the aged, and understanding to the old… Age should speak; advanced years should teach wisdom.”

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