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  • agileobloodlines

of life and meaning

Spirituality is about surrender and detachment. All great spiritual teachers, Jesus especially, let go of their privileged life and joyfully lived in solidarity with those at the bottom, the sick and the poor.

Our consumerism's conditioning is if something is working, we need more or a higher or better. We have grown up with this capitalist worldview and it will never work.

Truth is, if something is already making us happy, we don’t need more of it. We would only need more and more of what isn't working.

Faith is finding what really makes us happy on the level of our naked barest being. Faith connects us with our inherent dignity and the dignity inherent in everything. If we do not discover that deep inherent meaning, then everything else will disappoint us, driving our obsession with more.

Faith and love are a single entity. It connects us with our divine nature, an intrinsic meaning, an irreplaceable worth. Love's experience is of oneness with God, our infinite source of all we need and want.

Matthew 6:33 "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."

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