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our conversion

Most believe that religion is about maintaining order and control and God as the supreme order keeper. By idealizing power and being at the top, we tend to emphasize the almighty, all-powerful nature of God to keep us all under control.

The arrival of Jesus in history was revolutionary - showing a God who finds grace for those who break the law and finds life and freedom among the lepers and the sinners who are at the bottom of social "norms and order."

When we participate in the divine revolution that Jesus started, our conversion unites us with both the pain of the world and the love of God. Our "eyes of love" are opened; we perceive compassionately from the side of powerlessness and suffering instead of the side of power and control.

The Greek word metanoia, poorly translated as “repent” in the Bible, quite literally means “to change your mind.” Until our minds change the very way it processes everything, nothing changes long term. When it does change, however, our hearts soon follow.

1 Corinthians 1:27 "God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful."

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