At the center of our being is a point untouched by sin and by illusion, a point of pure truth, a point which belongs entirely to God. This part of us, our soul, the point of emptiness and of absolute poverty, is the pure glory of God in us.
Our attachment to our False Self, our ego, and the illusion we are kept enslaved to must die to allow our True Self - our basic and unchangeable identity in God - to live fully and freely.
Luke 12:2-3 "You can't keep your true self hidden forever; before long you'll be exposed. You can't hide behind a religious mask forever; sooner or later the mask will slip and your true face will be known."
Mark 8:35 "If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it."