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  • agileobloodlines

our words create

Do we ever listen to what comes out of our mouths? The words when we pray. The words when we talk. The words we speak on the phone.

When we talk to others, does our conversation turn to talking negatively about other people, about those in authority? Do our words reveal a heart filled with gossip and slander – maybe even hate?

What about our topics of conversation during the day. Do our words ever turn to speaking about God or the Bible or spiritual matters? Or do we only stick to the weather, sports, and current events? We don’t need to talk about God and the Bible all the time, but if God and the Word of God never enter our speech, it is certain they do not hold a prominent place in our hearts either. Our speech always betrays us.

One major area to listen to ourself talk is when we pray. What do we pray for? Who do we pray for? How do we pray? When was the last time we focused instead on magnifying God, and praising His name, and thanking Him for all that He has done?

Luke 6:45 "A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart."

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