A paradox is something that initially looks like a contradiction, but going deeper, it isn’t necessarily so. Jesus is the living paradox, which baffles most of us. That’s why Jesus is our icon of transformation! We say we are saved “in him” because we have to put together what Jesus put together. Reconciling in our soul our being born of the earth and of heaven.
All of creation is a “coincidence of opposites” We are all filled with contradictions needing to be reconciled. The price we pay for holding together these opposites is always some form of crucifixion.
Jesus himself was crucified between a good thief and a bad thief, hanging between heaven and earth, holding on to both his humanity and his divinity, a male body with a feminine soul. Yet he rejected neither side of these forces, but suffered them all, and “reconciled all things in himself” (Ephesians 2:10).
Matthew 16:25 “If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.”
