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peace and calm

Instead of denying our fears and projecting them onto others, we need to identify and learn to live with them. Anxiety nowadays is at a fever pitch and we no longer know where our foundations are, we have become increasingly unsure of what is certain. Unable to calmly hold a certain degree of anxiety, we look for somewhere to expel it.

Projecting and passing on what we cannot embrace gives us a negative identity. People unknowingly define themselves by what they are against, by who is wrong, instead of by what they believe in and whom they love.

We need to be aware of this common pattern and adopt the alternative because faith is built on a totally positive place within us, however small. Just like the “Yes” of Mary, which began the entire process of salvation.

God needs just a mustard-seed-sized place that is in love—not fear—that is open to grace, that is excited, that has found something wonderful.

Jesus demonstrated how to say Yes in the midst of very deep fear. He sweat blood because he was afraid [Luke 22:44]. But the difference is that Jesus was not afraid of being afraid, because he knew it was just fear, that it was a lie, an illusion. We are afraid of fear because we are deceived to believe the lie. A lie that we empower to name who we are, and it fills us with shame.

John 14:27 “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”

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