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remain connected

Discernment begins with an authentic trust in God’s presence and guidance. When we really trust God’s love for us, we begin to allow God to direct our life. The full life of faith becomes a life of deep joy and peace. Once we are “connected to the Vine” (John 15:4–5), we cease being anxious (Luke 10:41). We begin to see almost everything as guidance. The Spirit in us knows how to use everything that happens to bring about healing and growth. Being confident in God’s goodness and God being actively involved in our life is a powerful attitude that results from a devoted practice of learning to yield to God’s presence Some form of the prayer of quiet is necessary to touch us at the unconscious level, the level where deep and lasting transformation occurs. From our place of prayer, we are able to understand more clearly what is ours to do and consequently receive the courage to do it. Romans 8:26-27 “We don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers[a] in harmony with God’s own will.”

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