More than a moral failure, which is usually condemned, addiction is an illness that requires understanding and spiritual healing. Addicts need a vibrant spiritual encounter to wake up and begin the process of recovery.
What we now call addiction was demonic possession in the Gospels. Addiction is an inability to do what is in our own best interest. Most addicts believe that an external force made them do it. Such “demons” must be “exorcised” by a positive encounter with a much more powerful Source.
Most addictions are not substance addictions but process addictions (patterns of thinking and reacting). The primary addiction for all humans is the addiction to our own way of thinking. When we see how self-serving, petty, narcissistic, and how compulsive our thinking is, we realize that we, too, are trapped and unfree; that we are possessed.
The experience of a deeper love entanglement absorbs all our negativity. The only cure for possession is repossession—by Something Greater. Until we find our own ground and connection to the Whole, we are unsettled, and on the edge of falling apart. That is what a “vital spiritual experience” does for all of us. This is what it feels like to be “saved.”
Revelation 7:10 “Salvation comes from our God who sits on the throne and from the Lamb!”
