Even though we all become older, not many embark or continue on the journey, especially into the latter half of our lives awaiting us. Very few are even aware that there is more to life.
A great majority of people and institutions remain stuck on establishing their personal identity, creating various boundaries, and seeking security and success. Although good and necessary, we need to go further to discover and live our true identity to fullness and abundance.
There is much for us to unlearn to get back to the very foundation of life. This is why religious traditions call the process “conversion” or “repentance.” Finding our True Self largely depends on allocating time and the choices we make. Following the divine blueprint of our soul and humbly serving others is of ultimate concern. This is our life’s purpose, the deepest meaning of “natural law.” We are here to give back freely what has originally been given to us!
Matthew 6:33 “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”
