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  • agileobloodlines


Our lack of preparation in grief, letting go, and our failure to entrust ourselves to a bigger life, is the root cause of our culture’s spiritual crisis.

Spirituality is about detachment. We have made life about taking, achieving, overcoming, and succeeding. Our lack of training in detachment keeps us attached to wrong things, especially our own self-image and our desire for security.

We empty ourselves to let the divine flood us with love. Nothing new can come to us when we are full of ourselves, our agendas, and our own opinions. That is why self-emptying is urgently important to authentic spirituality.

True emptiness is also an openness of being. It is intimacy with the Divine, orientating our whole being toward surrender and receptivity.

John 3:30 “He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.”

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