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  • agileobloodlines

separateness and dualism

Our mind is like a lake, and when waves of ego-induced thought muddy that lake, we can no longer see the lake bottom which is the true essence of our Being.

When we lose touch with our true essence, we are drawn to ego-induced judgment: good or bad, right or wrong, beneficial or not, and so on. This is double-mindedness or dual thinking.

The Greek word for double-minded in the New Testament is "dipsuchos". It literally means to be two-spirited – vacillating (indecisive) in opinion or purpose.

A fundamental component of the double-minded is doubt, and we are not aware of just how subtle double-mindedness can be. It is something we all (no matter how strong we believe ourselves to be) have to be on guard against.

Double-mindedness is dangerous for the believer because, in a way, it is disobedience to God.

James 1:8 "A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways."

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