The great commandment is more than an indispensable edict for subjects. It is the key to being and receiving all that God intends. Love is the way, the truth, and the life.
Authentic love is singular; how we love anything is how we love everything. Love is a relationship quality more than a statement about the worthiness or specialness of the object of our love.
We love others from the same Source, with the same Love that allows us to love ourselves, others, and God at the same time! Unfortunately, this is not the way most people understand love, compassion, and forgiveness.
In and with God, we can love everything and everyone, even our enemies. Trying to be compassionate and loving through our own efforts only leads to cynicism and disillusionment.
We always learn about our mystery at the price of our innocence. The original meaning of “innocent” is unwounded, so apparently, we all need to suffer the so-called “sacred wound.” Being wounded is part of the human journey. We are each carrying our unique woundedness.
Hate is a guardian of grief. When people lose the hate, they are forced to deal with the pain beneath. This is where compassion comes from, from bearing the pain of the world.
Until we suffer we cannot love. Love is the only way to safely open the door of true awareness, and suffering for that love keeps the door open and available for further and greater growth. We dare not refuse love or suffering or we close the door to life itself.
It is in our deep capacity to love that we truly honor God’s image, our self, and extend it to all unconditionally. We then achieve the triumph of love.
John 15:3-4 “You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.”
