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  • agileobloodlines

tenacious and audacious

The common belief is that we should never question God or Jesus, but that is not the Biblical precedent. Abraham called out God on several occasions, Job asked for a trial between himself and God, Jacob wrestled with God.

The long-standing Biblical tradition is about using our minds, as well as our hearts, to consider whether what we are told about God is really from God or not; and even if it is, whether it is right and good. Not to use these gifts from God is more of a rejection of God, from a Biblical perspective, than to never question what we are told about God.

How is our faith? Is it audacious or does it surrender to the status quo? We face an unseen enemy today, one that brings fear into our life. We have started to create God in our own image.

We need to learn to value what is right, good, and true, over what we are led to believe that God or Jesus or the church would have us do when it does not conform with divine values and sacred virtues.

Aside from external, Biblical, and traditional authority, there is an inner authority deep within us; virtues Jesus spoke of in His sermon, virtues we call the beatitudes.

Hebrews 10:16 “This is the new covenant I will make with my people on that day, says the Lord: I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.”

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