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Welcome to agileobloodlines

Ancora Imparo

I am a lowly candle that provides light for others that they may find their life's purpose and meaning, that they may discover the life-giving warmth that only agapeic love can give; I must be consumed that others may become. This is my meaning, this is my purpose, this is my life.

These quotes are epiphanies from daily meditations and shared with all.

Quid est homo, qui non facit quod melius est mundum?

Notebook and Pen
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let your soul breathe
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life of love

The pattern of all reality is the relationship in the Trinity: “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us.” (Genesis 1:26)....

love multiplied

No matter what our circumstances are, we all rely on community in some way or another. Even if we are oriented around independence and...

depth of love

Meditation is a difficult process of awakening to our oneness with God. The difficulty lies in transcending all that our ego can attain....

love mystery

Those who look meditatively and long enough on the Crucified Jesus are healed at deep levels of pain, unforgiveness, aggression, and...

beyond right and wrong

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world...

never ages

As time passes and the changing seasons become fewer, we realize that there are some things in life that cannot be fixed. We would very...

fully lived

“Unless the Christian religion is lived from the heart, from the experience of God in some way, it will be empty. If it is a purely...

love is oneness

When Jesus talks about Oneness, what he meant was I am in God, God is in you, you are in God, and we are in each other. While Jesus...

beyond belief

As we grow in faith, our specific beliefs become less important than the revolutionary love that beckons us. The journey of faith...

ablaze with zeal

Loving God produces in us the desire and longing for the will of God. God wills the care of the poor, the end of oppressors who stand...

always greater

The common Christian understanding is that Jesus had to pay a debt by “dying for our sins.” Our early theology was more transactional...

love gives lavishly

The light that enlightens all things, enables us to see things in their fullness. Christ was not telling us to look just at him when he...

imbedded in creation

Abundance is constant flow and flow is where life is. Every living being has movement, growth, and change. God is the Divine Wave and all...

accountable care

The earth was entrusted to us and our human dignity and welfare are deeply connected to our care for the whole of creation. However,...

beloved's will

When we are “implanted to the Vine” (John 15:4–5), there is absolutely no need to worry. We can trust that we are being guided; in fact,...

life breath of love

When we interact with the world with gratitude, we allow things to happen instead of trying to make them happen. The virtue of gratitude...

attention and listening

We risk being influenced by what we listen to; and because of this, to some extent, deep listening can be an act of love. When we really...

immersed in love

In meditation, we enter a more interior, reflective, and transcendent way of being; temporarily suspending our usual temporal way of...

love emancipates

We are adamant creatures; no matter how good, we are resistant to change. It takes a shock to make us see our lives afresh, and at some...

narrow path

Spirituality is always about releasing. Once we see truly what is keeping us from freedom we should see the need to discard it (John...

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