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Welcome to agileobloodlines

Ancora Imparo

I am a lowly candle that provides light for others that they may find their life's purpose and meaning, that they may discover the life-giving warmth that only agapeic love can give; I must be consumed that others may become. This is my meaning, this is my purpose, this is my life.

These quotes are epiphanies from daily meditations and shared with all.

Quid est homo, qui non facit quod melius est mundum?

Notebook and Pen
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let your soul breathe
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truth and life

Love moves us forward, because love is what we truly are, and we are naturally lured to the completeness of our own being. When we are...

true love

Jesus came to help people awaken, but awakening is not easy. As the four Gospels all record, some people glimpsed what he was saying...

one truth

Truth is ONE and we need to recognize that we are all approaching that one divine truth from different angles, with different needs, in...


The very core of Jesus’ teaching was the Sermon on the Mount. Together with his parables, many of which are about losing and then finding...

living from love

We live a life of conflict within us and requires us to overcome our fallen nature. This is also a fruitful life, not because of anything...

love for neighbor

In Jesus we have the utmost example of God taking sides. It starts with one who emptied himself of all divinity, came as a homeless baby...


The transformed mind allows us to step back from our own personal processor so we can be more honest about what is really happening to...

awe and wonder

Mature spirituality insists that we pursue meaning instead of settling for mere answers. Wisdom is necessarily and always partially...

channels of grace

The Gospel demands a great deal of us. It calls us to a continuously disliked and self-sacrificing path. No wonder Jesus said, “The...


Jesus said that the only people who can recognize what he’s talking about are the ones who come with the mind and heart of a child. The...

God within

When God wants to make an important point He uses the word "BEHOLD" in Scripture. Behold, I am with you! Behold! I will watch over you...


For many, contemplation is prayer or meditation, a daily practice of deep listening in order to better connect with ourselves and divine...

essence of truth

Religious instruction is not the goal, love is. Religious education is the means. It is of truth, but it is subordinate; for truth serves...

dying daily

The exact words “die to self”, a popular Christian adage, does not appear in the Bible. But the concept of “dying to self”, or...

our words create

Do we ever listen to what comes out of our mouths? The words when we pray. The words when we talk. The words we speak on the phone. When...


2 Peter 1:20 "Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture comes from one’s own interpretation." We are invited to trust...

true beauty

Whenever we are breath-taken by beauty, we are marveling at God's creation. Reciprocally, this is God's special way of awakening His...

kindness is embodied worship

Kindness is underrated and relegated as a mundane virtue. But the Bible presents a very different, and compelling, portrait of kindness....

His glory in our stillness

Devoted Christians want a life that glorifies God. To live a life that shows God’s infinite power and worth so that He may be praised and...

interpreting scripture

Jesus knew then that the Scriptures would not be clearly understood by many. It’s true today, and it was true in the first century....

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