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Welcome to agileobloodlines

Ancora Imparo

I am a lowly candle that provides light for others that they may find their life's purpose and meaning, that they may discover the life-giving warmth that only agapeic love can give; I must be consumed that others may become. This is my meaning, this is my purpose, this is my life.

These quotes are epiphanies from daily meditations and shared with all.

Quid est homo, qui non facit quod melius est mundum?

Notebook and Pen
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let your soul breathe
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make way

The meaning of the biblical apocalypse is much misunderstood. Etymologically apocalypse comes from the Greek apokalupsis which means...

remain connected

Discernment begins with an authentic trust in God’s presence and guidance. When we really trust God’s love for us, we begin to allow God...

pain and suffering

Christianity is in complete solidarity with love’s deepest earthly course – The Way of the Wound. Jesus was the wounded one, and we...

love is change

Nothing remains the same; ninety-eight percent of the atoms of our body are replaced every year. Water remains the same, although with...

love is truth

Truth is singular. If something is spiritually true, then all disciplines and religions will be looking at this “one truth” from...

fully alive

The glory of God is a human being fully alive. — St. Irenaeus of Lyon A popular paradoxical promise of Jesus was that finders will be...

enjoyment and holiness

Learning to bask in God’s mysterious, sustaining presence gives life to and guides our efforts, bringing us to the domain of grace that...

peace and calm

Instead of denying our fears and projecting them onto others, we need to identify and learn to live with them. Anxiety nowadays is at a...

most sublime

The Spirituality of Imperfection is a legacy attributed to St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Self-created perfectionism is a trap that makes us...

beyond reach

The Christian image of a torturous hell and a God who weighs and judges has not helped us to know, trust, or love God in any way. Those...

end of all fear

The fear of death comes from not profoundly knowing the value, depth, and beauty of life while alive. Most of us go to work for most of...

awe-filled expectancy

The popular notion of faith today has become more of a rational agreement about the truth of certain beliefs rather than a calm and...

endless discovery

Society, our culture, demands that the student must be oriented towards work and material security. This constant pressure of career...

oneness with God

As children growing up we learned which behaviors caused approval and disapproval from others, especially family and friends. In order to...

never lukewarm

In the Gospel of Luke, the Holy Spirit was fully poured upon Jesus, the beloved Son who acted with God’s power, spoke with God’s...

love's intimacy

Intimacy can only be experienced when we are willing to be completely exposed. When we feel completely safe in the arms of love, we share...

pure and true

There is authority and wisdom in bearing pain and suffering. Jesus and Mary modeled such “staying power”: Jesus on the cross and Mary...

divine paradox

St. Paul was transformed when he met the Risen Christ on the road to Damascus. He experienced a mysterious paradox, that the crucified,...

life's second half

Human life has two halves: the first half is devoted to building our sense of identity, importance, and security – the ego self. In our...

free from condemnation

Learning to earnestly navigate our emotions helps us become more deeply entrenched in the love of God. We are made for love, our natural...

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