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Welcome to agileobloodlines

Ancora Imparo

I am a lowly candle that provides light for others that they may find their life's purpose and meaning, that they may discover the life-giving warmth that only agapeic love can give; I must be consumed that others may become. This is my meaning, this is my purpose, this is my life.

These quotes are epiphanies from daily meditations and shared with all.

Quid est homo, qui non facit quod melius est mundum?

Notebook and Pen
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let your soul breathe
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God is love and His trinitarian being is the relational nature of God's love. Our participation in this relationship is to be in flow and...

true and false

Our actions and motivations are prompted by our predominant self. For most, it is the egoic, false, fallen self that does the prompting -...

fall out

When it is true, falling in love is complete and without obstructions; we uncover and express the most profound and untamed aspects of...


The love by which we reach God requires a form of knowing that is beyond common logic and reason, an awareness deepened by love. The wise...

let go and let be

Heeding Jesus' call to self-denial results in uncompromising generosity and limitless abundance. When we are less attached to what we...


Today, even religion and spirituality have been taken over by the culture of addition: gaining God's favor, attaining enlightenment,...

devoid of judgment

Forgiveness is the loveliness of our soul. Being a measure of God in us, our soul's radiance is of love, God's very nature. God's supreme...

of life and meaning

Spirituality is about surrender and detachment. All great spiritual teachers, Jesus especially, let go of their privileged life and...

nothing else matters

When we truly fall in love, we discover our true self. Falling in love releases the virtue of self-denial which uncovers our hidden self...


"And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love,...

two but one

Spirituality is letting God, not our ego, steer our life; letting go of our own will, our own needs, and our own preferences until we are...

speech power

Jesus spoke about our words, especially idle ones, yet his warning often goes unheeded. Idle words are things we say carelessly, without...

love poetry

We were created for love, with an endless depth that only love can fill, and with a soul-restlessness that only love can satisfy. Love...


There is no neutrality between gratitude and thanklessness. The ungrateful, in time, complain about everything. Love is always warm and...

potter and clay

Being still in meditation is to be as clay to the potter, allowing God to mold us as He pleases. We do not learn about God through silent...

forgetting God

Complaining and thanklessness are not our responses to circumstances, but to God. A heart of gratitude and thankfulness isn’t dependent...

immortal love

Love is the essence of all creation and loving is the deepest truth about each of us. True love deepens into a love that expresses the...

free from the past

Each moment is a choice. No matter how distressing our experience is, we can always choose how we respond. The choice to accept our self...

loving is spirituality

"When the soul, then, in any degree possesses the spirit of solitary love, we must not interfere with it. In a word, it is for this love...

love reflection

Love is the ultimate reality, and we won’t know it unless we learn how to see. The mystics and Zen masters call it wiping the mirror. In...

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