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Welcome to agileobloodlines

Ancora Imparo

I am a lowly candle that provides light for others that they may find their life's purpose and meaning, that they may discover the life-giving warmth that only agapeic love can give; I must be consumed that others may become. This is my meaning, this is my purpose, this is my life.

These quotes are epiphanies from daily meditations and shared with all.

Quid est homo, qui non facit quod melius est mundum?

Notebook and Pen
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let your soul breathe
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divine gift

Love is not something we do, it is something that happens to us, and must participate in - it’s something we surrender to, something we...

love's wisdom

“Love is the highest form of knowing,” Saint Augustine wrote. Meaning that the love by which we reach God implies a form of knowing...

faith is love

Love is the foundation of faith. It makes us experience the deepest temporal source of joy and then transforms the joy by taking us...

love forgives

Love is relational and its intent is to keep lovers united, a singularity. Christ's sacrifice was to return us in union with God....

love is benevolent

Love is beyond rules, retribution, or conditions, and everything to do with mercy and compassion. Our transgressions are simply...

love is relational

Love is not a solitary undertaking, even if we are alone. When we have love for others, in general or someone in particular, or even of...

love's luminosity

“Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides.” - André Malraux What we let God see and accept in us is also what we can see and...

all things new

As with the heart of the innocent, each moment at "play" is a magical experience. The breath-taking whiff of fresh air, the comforting...

fail or fall

One condition our upbringing has taught us is the importance of achievement and destination. Even our Christian instruction teaches the...

beautiful paradox

"The greatest joy in love is to abandon oneself on the altar of the one loved; its sweetest feast is its own hunger and the wine of its...

perception is projection

For God to be is to "give" being, and for humanity to be is to "receive" being. - Meister Eckhart Our true self is a received self from...


Vulnerability allows ongoing growth, the never-ending flow of love. Healthily vulnerable people use every occasion to expand, change, and...

attention and love

Today, so many things, especially cell phones, make it challenging and difficult to get or give attention and be totally aware of the...

restored sight

A heart transformed by the realization of oneness knows that only love within us can see and enjoy love and beauty outside of us. Fear,...

courage is supernatural

Our world, more so today, is full of fear: fear of death, public speaking, drowning, failure, rejection, needles, and countless more, and...


We cannot tolerate even a few minutes of unoccupied time. We ceaselessly run after our thoughts like a dog chasing every stick thrown at...

love beyond death

Our belief about God shapes our belief about what happens after death. We even make the best sense of reality and life when we believe...


I awoke, only to find the rest of the world still sleeping. – Leonardo da Vinci Awakening is an agonizing process, it is facing our...

spiritual church

As every person lives physically and animated by his/her spirit, religion's vibrance depends on spirituality. This is based on the...

be still

Everything about life today is frenzied that we struggle for calm, not with the daily bustle but with the frantic exertions and demands...

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